
广州Ruby开发者小组 / The Guangzhou Ruby Group

第三次聚会/gzruby meetup #3

Image of Seb with a slide

Thanks to everyone who attended the gzruby meetup last wednesday night. It was great to get a chance to meet up with our ruby friends and we also met a lot of new people. It‘s exciting to see how the community is growing as we gain new members and introduce more people to the joys of ruby.

以下是大家的一些分享 / The presentations included:

  • Launch of http://gems.gzruby.org, the GZRUBY rubygems mirror
  • Real Life Rails Scaling, by Seb. Scaling your app, your team, and yourself. (slides)
  • method_proxy - some fun with ruby’s dynamic programming, by Jev. A look at how we can utilize ruby’s meta-programming features to get deep insight into our code. (method_proxy sample code, slides)
  • Cloud Service API design, by Chance Jiang

让我们一起期待下一次gzruby聚会,2012年1月18日(预计). 明年见
Really looking forward to the next meeting, planned for Jan 18, 2012! See you all next year.

Photo by/ 照片提供:littlepxy

Announcing gzruby

After witnessing the success of the GZ Tech Party events and filled with enthusiasm from the great Red Dot Ruby Conf, some of the ruby developers in Guangzhou decided it was time to start a ruby group for ourselves. A support group, if you will, for developers who have decided to branch out and work with what could still be considered an “alternative” language. The few, the proud, the willing!

Since our first meeting with over 20 attendees, gzruby has become a welcome event on the Guangzhou tech calendar. We host a variety of people, from die-hard ruby and rails hackers to students interested in new languages. We even have visitors from the Python and Android user groups at times. Mostly, its a chance for smart developers to get together, share war stories, and learn from each other.

There is a great well of talent here in Guangzhou, and the aim of gzruby is to provide a place for that talent to grow, to find colleagues, and to make GZ a better place to live and work for all of us.